Holiday 2018 Events
Hi Wastelanders,
The holidays are officially here!
We're getting started with the Holiday Grunch Event.
This is just a warm up, because we have something special starting next week that will run from Dec 19 - Jan 2.
I'll be announcing details soon.
Grunch - December 12
I hate all those Whoms! How they sing and they shout! I'd love to destroy them, and rip their guts out!
The Grunch had an idea! An awful idea! The Grunch had a wonderful, awful idea!
Grunches and Whoms have invaded the Wasteland! Seek out Cindy Loom Whom, found in Spider Hill, New Flagstaff, Trader’s Flat and Los Alamos. If you can stop the Grunch and bring back some of the xmas gifts he stole Cindy will give you a special holiday reward. Players Level 46-55 can take a second mission to earn an exclusive (and antlered) bonus reward.
Quest giver: Cindy Loom NPC
- Plateau - Spider Hill, waypoint 4680480 4135025, quest available for player level 1-15
- Northfields - New Flagstaff, waypoint 4482171 5508380, quest available for player level 16-25
- Kaibab Forest - Trader's Flat, waypoint 6524573 5214506, quest available for player level 26-40
- Deadfall - Los Alamos, waypoint 5527405 5105450, main quest available for player level 41-55, non-repeatable quest available for player level 55 only
Grunch locations:
- Plateau - waypoint 4682417, 4297973 (for player level 1-15 quest)
- Northfields - waypoint 4249533, 5451852 (for player level 16-25 quest)
- Kaibab Forest - waypoint 6766428, 5292237 (for player level 26-40 quest)
- Deadfall - waypoint 5665130, 5103273 (for player level 41-55 quest)
- Alpha Zone (Alpha County) - waypoint 6544607, 3920430 (for player level 41-55 quest)
- Epsilon Zone (Outpost) - waypoint 6309186, 3380807 (for player level 41-55 quest)

First Night - December 19
Since the Fall, computer glitches and leap years have created controversy over the actual date of the New Year. For decades now, people in all areas of the Grand Canyon Province have used different dates, leading to much confusion. Now, the Archivist Coalition, with the help of LifeNet, has finally determined the actual date of the New Year. In the process of their research, the Coalition has also uncovered a great deal of information about various holidays that had been celebrated in the past. In honor of the establishment of the true date, the Coalition is sponsoring “First Night” a festival that combines many of the holidays past.
There might not be any snow in the Wasteland, but citizens from all over the Grand Canyon Province can join together, build some Dirtmen, and wait for the arrival of S.A.N.T.A (the Seasonal Arctic Network of Toy-based Altruism). They’ve been keeping track of who's naughty and nice. The nice get gifts and the naughty get hunted down. Hope you were nice! There will be plenty more celebrating where that came from, as well as holiday missions and goodies. Enjoy party crackers, fruitcake, and festive top hats from gift boxes, or trade the unopened boxes in for a chance to win the ultra-rare white top hat.
First Night waypoints for location of questors:
- Odenville -3989214, 3072292 (player level 2-15)
- Embry Crossroads - 4237238, 3218729 (player level 2-15)
- Watchtower - 4511717, 3941784 (player level 8-20)
- Sunshine Corners - 4565090, 4988004 (player level 10-30)
- New Flagstaff - 4523486, 5486292 (player level 20-35)
- Dieseltown - 6094646, 5709645 (player level 25-55)
- Trader's Flat - 6521150, 5229402 (player level 30-55)
Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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