Patch Notes
- The Colby RSA "Hunter" ARMAS weapon modification changed from 'High Magnification Scope' to 'Tagger'.
- The Colby RSA "Hunter" ARMAS weapon modification changed from 'High Magnification Scope' to 'Tagger'.
Harbinger Apocalypse Pistol:
- Ramp Distance: 70m -> 65m
- The default track count for themes and songs has been increased from 6 to 8 in the Music Studio.
- The usable mod reminder HUD notification now positions itself on the bottom of the screen instead of the center.
Med Spray
- Cooldown (45s -> 90s)
Fr0g & Fr0g-SD
- Ramp Distance (1000 -> 1200)
- Radius at Ten Meters (16 -> 14)
- Walk Modifier (1.5 -> 1.3)
- Sprint Delay (0.73 -> 0.625)
- Refire interval (0.88s -> 0.80s)
- Radius at Ten Meters (20 > 18)
- Walk Modifier (1.2 -> 1.0)
- Sprint Delay (0.73 -> 0.625)
Apocalypse Pistol (Harbinger)
- Recoil changed from RSA's to ACT44's
- Marksmanship Modifier (0.32 -> 0.64)
- Health Damage (110 -> 133)
- Ramp Distance (4000 -> 3000)
- Minimum Damage Range (1500 -> 2000)
- Ammo Pool Capacity (120 -> 105)
- Magazine Capacity (24 -> 21)
RFP9' Fang'
- Mod changed from Improved Rifling 3 to Hunting Sight 3
- Re-enabled bUseTextureStreaming and mitigated an issue with white texture characters appearing.
- We have removed a duplicate, non-functioning listing of the DMR-AV for 30 days from the Joker Ticket store.
- The Shredder SB now has a 30-day rental option in the Joker Ticket store!
- Stalls can occur upon entering the Clothing Kiosk with "NEW!" items.
- Tattoo layers are inversed: Tattoos lower on the list will cover the ones above.
- "The Beacon" Map has returned as part of our new event: Little Orbit Day 2023! If you haven't seen them already, here are all the details on the event
- The GM-initiated minigame "Butcher" now awards Joker Tickets!
- Balance Change for 'Fr0g': Damage increased from 200 to 210.
- An issue where sometimes arresting a player requires you to perform the action twice has been fixed.
- Activated items will no longer get canceled while crouched.
- We fixed a crash resulting from setting UnStreamAllTextures=True defaulting to UnStreamAllTextures=False in the INI files.
- Adjusted a location that could result in player textures failing to stream to the game client.
- The Female Hoodie (Hood Down) 's flags have been fixed to no longer force untradable, as it was acquirable early-game from Terri Quan (Criminal) or Violet Prentiss (Enforcer), respectively.
- Stalls can occur upon entering the Clothing Kiosk with "NEW!" items.
- Tattoo layers are inversed. Tattoos lower on the list will cover the ones above.
Shader modifications have been disabled. Please uninstall any shader modifications made prior to this patch, as EasyAntiCheat will kick you for them.
Easy Anti Cheat is now fully implemented in APB! Launching the game will install EAC automatically. Please continue to use the /report command to report cheaters, as always!
- Players can now choose to disable fog. This option can be found in the Advanced Video settings (note that keeping fog enabled slightly impacts performance)
- Day/Night cycle added back to Asylum
- Added the ability to disable Muzzle Flash and Magazine Casings. These options are in DefaultGame.ini, under APBGame.cVisualFX_Weapon called:
- m_bEnableMuzzleFlash=true
- m_bEnableMagazineCasings=true
Previously when nerfing the Colby .45, an extra 5m was accidentally taken off the range. After testing we’ve decided to keep this, meaning the Colby .45’s range will stay at 45m.
- Vaquero Gear 5 Topspeed increased: 1700 -> 2200
- Coywolf VIP torque slowdown adjusted: 0.8 -> 0.94 (fixes ineffective modifier)
- FAR jump modifier changed: 20 -> 15
- Implemented a fix for the ‘car bug' (the issue where exiting a car while drifting caused players to visually desync for everyone else)
- Fixed an exploit involving objectives and crouching at the same time
- The achievement “Kind of a Big Deal” does not increment if you are already gold threat and your character existed after your account achieved gold threat
- Stalls can occur upon entering the Clothing Kiosk with “NEW!” items
- Tattoo layers are inversed, meaning tattoos lower on the list will cover the ones above
- The Easter event is now concluded! Districts have been reset to normal.
- Moderately decreased the effective and max falloff range of the Colby .45 AP
- Adjusted the STAR's jump modifier to 10 from 30, which should help the new player experience while running-and-gunning with the weapon
- Adjusted the FAR's jump modifier to 20 from 30 (placing it between the NTEC and the STAR)
- Adjusted the STAR LCR's jump modifier to 10 from 13, keeping in line with the STAR it is based on
- Adjusted the Mikro and Vaquero (Enforcer / Criminal Compact) car's topspeed slightly, to 20.5 from 19.5
- Adjusted the Mikro's reverse speed to 15 from 13, making it equal in reverse speed to the Vaquero
- The achievement “Kind of a Big Deal” does not increment if you are already gold threat and your character existed after your account achieved gold threat
- Stalls can occur upon entering the Clothing Kiosk with “NEW!” items
- In bomb missions, bombs will hit 0 but not count as “exploded” if the player who planted them is removed from the mission
- Fixed an issue where Joker Ammo vending machines would play multiple loud audio lines at the same time
- Fixed an issue that caused some Roles to not progress visually, even when the requirement had been met (no more 1000/50 Sniper role progression)
- Mitigated an issue where vehicles going out of bounds from sometimes causing server issues
- Fixed an issue where when exiting a car, characters could occasionally be viewed by others in the wrong position
- The achievement “Kind of a Big Deal” does not increment if you are already gold threat and your character existed after your account achieved gold threat
- Stalls can occur upon entering the Clothing Kiosk with “NEW!” items
- Fixed an issue with emissive textures (traffic signal lights + others)
- Fixed issues where effects would sometimes fail to activate for:
- Lighting an objective on fire
- Knocking over a fire hydrant
- Fixed an issue where audio identifiers would sometimes not play the right sounds
- Cleaned up some code in some pedestrian brain vehicle logic
Joker Store changes:
- ALL base character Weapon and Vehicle mods added for purchase with a rank requirement of None
- Added free trials for all
- Added 30 Day purchase options for all
After last update’s experiment of allowing early progression mods to be leased for Joker Tickets, we have now expanded this to include purchase options for rentals of all Weapon and Vehicle modifications. You will now have the ability to obtain a free 6 hour rental for all of these.
Players will also now be able to purchase modification leases for 30 days, instead of the previous maximum of 7. Pricing scheme:
- Tier 1:
- 6 Hours = free (new), 3 Day = 100 (unchanged), 7 Day = 150 (unchanged), 30 Day = 330 (new)
- Tier 2:
- 6 Hours = free (new), 3 Day = 120 (unchanged), 7 Day = 185(unchanged), 30 Day = 395 (new)
- Tier 3:
- 6 Hours = free (new), 3 Day = 140 (unchanged), 7 Day = 215 (unchanged), 30 Day = 460 (new)
- Tier 4:
- 6 Hours = free (new), 3 Day = 160 (unchanged), 7 Day = 250 (unchanged), 30 Day = 525 (new)
Optimization changes:
- Optimized NPC pedestrians on a per-frame basis
- Disabled some optional post-processing effects that would contribute to frame times, but would never actually affect the scene
- Optimized Scaleform to skip every 3 frames, easing CPU load
- While using the Fullscreen option, performance slowly gets worse over time, and there is a rare crash caused by infinite GPU stall. Neither of these issues affect Windowed Fullscreen
- Applying settings in-game can also occasionally cause performance issues, but these can be fixed by a restart
- Some roles will occasionally show incorrect values, i.e., the Mugger role showing a progression of 1000/50
- Explosions will go through some very thin walls, meaning cars potentially can explode even if a rocket is shot at them from behind a wall
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 2/22/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Fixed one of the two ways in which Joker Ammo machines can duplicate their audio. Valentine's Day 2023 titles have had their proper pink flare applied to the title.
Joker Store changes: Added the following early progression mods for purchase with a rank requirement of None:
- Kevlar 1
- Kevlar 2
- Kevlar 3
- Clotting Agent 1
- Clotting Agent 2
- Clotting Agent 3
- Happy Landings 1
- Happy Landings 2
- Happy Landings 3
These mods are available for 3 Day or 7 Day leasing. This is an experiment for additional Joker Store content aimed at new players, or veteran players who wish to buy these items on their alts that may not have completed progression. The hope is that a small purchase price or grind is preferable to 'sludging through' early progression where you may not have these modifications available. If this experiment is successful, we will expand this system in the future to rentals of Weapon and Vehicle modifications. We will be monitoring feedback after this patch.
Joker Store Character, Weapon, and Vehicle modifications have a new pricing scheme across the board. Existing "Tier 4" (or 195+) mods are unchanged and the math for previous tiers is based on the existing 'most expensive' Tier 4 lease. Existing Joker Store Character, Weapon, and Vehicle modifications now contain 3 Day lease options that are slightly less discounted compared to their 7 Day counterparts.
New pricing scheme:
- Tier 1:
3 Day = 100 (new), 7 Day = 150 (new) - Tier 2:
3 Day = 120 (new), 7 Day = 185 (new) - Tier 3:
3 Day = 140 (new), 7 Day = 215 (new) - Tier 4:
3 Day = 160 (new), 7 Day = 250 (unchanged)
VDay 2023 has ended. We're no longer seeking love, and have gone back to normal City Security Act business, which is a lot less lovely.
There is still one method in which a Joker Ammo machine's looping audio may break, and we are investigating.
- POWER USERS: With the release of 1.30, you are now able to adjust your clients’ frames per second (FPS) cap on your own. We do not currently have a UI for this functionality, however, you may manually adjust specific configuration files.
- Launch APB: Reloaded at least once after you have installed the 1.30 update.
- Close the game.
- Navigate to your APB install directory.
- For Steam users, this is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common by default.
- For GamersFirst users, the folder is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\Binaries\APB Reloaded\ by default.
- Within this folder, navigate to "Engine\Config" after patching the game, and open the file called "BaseEngine.ini".
- Within this file, search for the following section: [Engine.GameEngine]
- There are two cap types that are able to be modified in this file: "MaxClientFrameRate", and “MaxSmoothedFrameRate”. Both of these correspond to the “Smooth Framerate” option in the game’s in-game options.
- MaxClientFrameRate may be 0 (uncapped), or any value above MaxSmoothedFrameRate.
- MaxSmoothedFrameRate may be any value up to 128.
- Raising your FPS cap above 145 will worsen existing issues related to running above 128 fps worse – although a common bug known as sliding will happen if your fps is too stable at your current selected cap.
- Additionally, there is an issue related to high framerates that causes your crosshair to expand with an inaccurate accuracy value. However, this is a purely visual bug, and does not actually affect accuracy.

- A graphical glitch and potential crash vector related to the Blowtorch modification has been addressed.
- POWER USERS: With the release of 1.30, you are now able to adjust your clients’ frames per second (FPS) cap on your own. We do not currently have a UI for this functionality, however, you may manually adjust specific configuration files.
- Launch APB: Reloaded at least once after you have installed the 1.30 update.
- Close the game.
- Navigate to your APB install directory.
- For Steam users, this is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common by default.
- For GamersFirst users, the folder is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\Binaries\APB Reloaded\ by default.
- Within this folder, navigate to "Engine\Config" after patching the game, and open the file called "BaseEngine.ini".
- Within this file, search for the following section: [Engine.GameEngine]
- There are two cap types that are able to be modified in this file: "MaxClientFrameRate", and “MaxSmoothedFrameRate”. Both of these correspond to the “Smooth Framerate” option in the game’s in-game options.
- MaxClientFrameRate may be 0 (uncapped), or any value above MaxSmoothedFrameRate.
- MaxSmoothedFrameRate may be any value up to 128.
- Raising your FPS cap above 145 will worsen existing issues related to running above 128 fps worse – although a common bug known as sliding will happen if your fps is too stable at your current selected cap.
- Additionally, there is an issue related to high framerates that causes your crosshair to expand with an inaccurate accuracy value. However, this is a purely visual bug, and does not actually affect accuracy.

- There is a rare crash related to using Fullscreen mode and switching to other windows, commonly known as ‘alt tabbing’, especially when respawning after death.
- Additionally, swapping between windows in Fullscreen mode may result in performance degradation over time.
- We recommend that players temporarily use the “Fullscreen Windowed” or “Windowed” mode until we address the above two issues properly.
- There is a known issue involving some types of environmental sounds missing appropriate volume levels, as well as an issue with Joker Ammo boxes repeating their lines too often.
- Some districts may have incorrect lighting and shadows projected from objects that may not exist.
- On first launch of 1.30, players may receive errors such as, “Battleye failed to install” or an “insufficient permission” issue upon launching the game. Performing the “Repair” option on the APB Launcher application may solve these issues.

We will be addressing the above issues in the weeks to follow as those fixes are available. We apologize for any inconvenience they may have caused.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 4/13/2022. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Hop into action as we bring Easter Classics back to the client. Our Easter events return once more (with all new titles to discover) and Easter costumes back into the store. You can read all about this on our website.
- New Role and Titles added to the client
- Easter Egg Hunt event enabled
- Easter bundles are back in ARMAS
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 12/22/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This update brings a little winter cheer to the streets of San Paro. Play various minigames to unlock all-new titles and Joker Tickets so you can sleigh it at the Joker Store. Full details can be found here on our website.
- A snow-filled Beacon returns!
- 12 Deaths of Xmas minigame enabled
- Christmas Cheer minigame enabled
- Dev Gun Game enabled (with a wintery twist)
- New roles and associated rewards added
- New items added to Joker Store!
- Console Xmas events enabled
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 11/10/2021. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This patch puts away Halloween events and decorations until next year. Holiday minigames are turned off and districts return to normal. This is also your two week notice for Halloween ARMAS items! Grab your creepy clothing now before they disappear on 11/24.
- Halloween event removed from live
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 11/3/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Our Halloween patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. You can read all about it here on our blog. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 10/27/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console is currently experiencing some outages. You can read the latest information here. We are aware of the issue and working with our partners to resolve it as quickly as possible.
- New Titles added to the client
- Headless Horseman event enabled
- Pumpkin Hunting enabled
- Trick and Treat contacts enabled
We have a few things to announce today. First, some unexpected maintenance cropped up which requires our attention. We are going to have 1 hour of maintenance today (10/18) starting at 12AM UTC (roughly 3 hours from the time of this posting). Next, our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 10/20/2021 will start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well. Finally, we know many of you have been asking after our Halloween plans. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten! We'll be posting more information next week on the 25th.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 10/13/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 10/6/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 9/29/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 9/22/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 9/15/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 9/01/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 8/25/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 8/18/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This update contains the long-anticipated Med Spray change as well as a number of small tweaks to tune weapons that previously got a little too much love. The patch notes below detail each change as well as some of our reasoning behind those changes. As always, we encourage you to try them out and let us know your feedback in the forums.
Weapon Balance
The last balance pass for the OCA placed it above all of the other SMGs by a decent margin. It has become clear that the changes were a little too aggressive, so we are pulling them back for the OCA-EW, OCA-EW SD and Whisper.
- Fire Interval: 0.096 -> 0.1
- Bloom recovery per second: 5.35 -> 5.15
- Maximum Bloom: 0.66 -> 0.7
- Crouch Modifier: 0.95 -> 1.0
- Effective range: 17.5m -> 30m
- Min damage range: 25m -> 50m
OCA Whisper
The Whisper was mostly reverted to its previous state, with one exception: the additional accuracy intended to offset the Whisper’s lack of Cooling Jacket has not been reverted, but instead has been slightly decreased.
- Fire Interval: 0.096 -> 0.1
- Bloom recovery per second: 5.35 -> 5.15
- Maximum Bloom: 0.66 -> 0.7
- Effective Range: 30m -> 50m
- Accuracy at 10m: 33 -> 34 (used to be 36)
N-tec 5
After the buffs to the N-tec’s 5 maximum bloom, it quickly became the jack of all trades for Assault Rifles again, leaving little to no room for other Assault Rifles that are less versatile to exist in the meta without the player feeling like they made the wrong choice overall. Consequently, we are reverting the N-tec 5’s maximum bloom buff. We will be keeping an eye on the Scoped N-tec 5 as the meta develops, though there are no current changes for that gun at this time.
- Maximum Bloom: 2.1 -> 2.4
Joker SR15 Carbine
With the buffs to the OCA in the last major balance pass, we feared the Joker Carbine would quickly fall off and not find a place to compete anymore without some buffs to compensate. Given the changes in this patch to the OCA, we deemed it best to also pull back on the Joker Carbine’s power by reverting its Bloom per shot buff from the last pass. The Joker Carbine will keep its reserve ammo buff, however.
- Bloom per shot: 0.2 -> 0.23
Obeya CR762
The Obeya CR762’s very high over-damage, when combined with its very fast tap-fire capability (even at long range), places the gun as one of the conspicuously highest pressure long range weapons in the game, able to reach its optimum performance at ranges up to 77 meters when combined with Improved Rifling 3.
Consequently, we are lowering the Obeya CR762's damage from 245 per shot to 220. This change will not only reduce its 5 shot to kill range by 5 meters across the board, but it will also make it slightly less oppressive to play against, as 4 shots will now result in 880 damage dealt as opposed to the almost lethal 980.
- Health Damage: 245 -> 220
Stabba - PIG
This change was meant to be in the game quite a while ago, but was missed at the time, so we are shipping it in this patch instead.
- Stamina Damage: 675 -> 750
Med Spray
Med Spray has been a hot topic within the community ever since the buff, as it allowed players to go from being almost dead to being back to full HP within roughly two seconds. We have heard your feedback and are removing the double health regeneration as well as adjusting the description to match this change.
- Removed the Double Health Regeneration.
- Removed the part that says “You get the added benefit of doubling your base health regeneration.” in the description.
Grenades have been a central part of APB’s gameplay in recent years. Currently, especially at the higher player skill levels, players will have both of their grenades on them at almost all times. Players also frequently rely upon using more than 2 grenades per push, enabled by mods such as Field Supplier, Mobile Supply Unit and previously the consumable Resupply box. The Mobile Supply Unit in particular has also enabled the possibility for players to endlessly spam grenades into a corridor to completely deny access, much like the consumable Resupply box did in the past.
Therefore, we have adjusted the resupply delay timer from one to three seconds on Frag, Concussion, Percussion and Low-Yield Fragmentation grenades. This change is intended to not only create gaps between grenade explosions in an endless resupply scenario, but also present a risk when resupplying grenades mid-push. This change should lower the overall amount of grenade spam per mission.
- Frag Grenade resupply delay: 1s -> 3s
- Concussion Grenade resupply delay: 1s -> 3s
- Percussion Grenade resupply delay: 1s -> 3s
- Low-Yield Fragmentation Grenade resupply delay: 1s -> 3s
Frag Grenade
Frag grenades have been the most common grenade type at almost all levels of play because of their unforgiving nature and very high kill pressure, allowing players to be at a huge advantage when pushing even after a less than ideal grenade throw.
Therefore, to scale back this pressure slightly, we have reduced the frag grenade's maximum damage radius from 4 to 3 meters. This change means players have to be slightly more accurate with their grenade throws to maximize their potential, as players on the receiving end of a badly thrown grenade will now lose less of their HP as a result.
- Maximum damage radius 4m -> 3m
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 8/11/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 8/04/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 7/28/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 7/21/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 7/14/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 7/7/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 6/30/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start a little earlier this time at 4 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have maintenance starting at 4 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 6/23/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 6/16/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 6/9/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 6/2/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 5/26/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 5/19/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 5/12/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 5/05/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 4/28/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have a small patch this week on Wednesday 4/21/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This patch includes a very small update to the back-end tools used by our support team. We also have an update on the Vivox voice chat issue which you can read here.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 4/14/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 4/7/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
It was sweet while it lasted, but it is time to put the Easter events back in the basket. This patch removes all Easter event content until next year. Easter specials and bundles in ARMAS will remain for another two weeks before they rotate out. Hop into the store before they go away!
- Easter Egg Hunt event disabled
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 3/31/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 3/24/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This update brings a few sweet things your way! First, we are bringing back Easter Classics to the client (with all new titles to discover) and Easter costumes back into the store. You can read all about this on our website. Second, we've updated our download page with an approved config section. Moving forward, the download page is where we will put any approved 3rd party items like the Advanced Launcher so players can have one location to check out for accepted APB customizations. Finally third, we have a letter regarding community griefing that we encourage you all to check out. We will be taking a much harder stance regarding this kind of behavior in the future, so please inform yourselves and act kindly towards each other.
- New Role and Titles added to the client
- Easter Egg Hunt event enabled
- Easter bundles are back in ARMAS
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 3/17/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 3/10/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 3/3/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 2/24/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 10 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
The slings and arrows of love are going back into the vault. This update will disable V-Day events until next time. V-Day specials and bundles in ARMAS will remain for another two weeks before they rotate out. Be sure to grab anything you fancy before they go away!
- Love Lost Valentine daily activities disabled
- Valentine Week Massacre event disabled
- Snubbed Love event disabled
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 2/17/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 2/10/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 3 PM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 3 PM UTC as well.
This update lets us storm the beaches of love once more! We are bringing back V-Day classics while we continue full steam on the engine upgrade. You can read details on our various events here.
- Love Lost Valentine daily activities enabled
- Valentine Week Massacre event enabled
- Snubbed Love event enabled
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 2/3/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 10 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Additionally, we have extended Free Premium for the month. You can read more about that here.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 1/27/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 10 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 1/20/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 1/13/2021. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This update brings our holiday event for the year to a close.
- 12 Deaths of Xmas minigame disabled
- Christmas Cheer minigame disabled
- Dev Gun Game (with wintery twist) disabled
- Console Xmas events disabled
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 1/06/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 12/30/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 6 PM UTC and will last up to 10 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 6 PM UTC as well. Our window will be a bit longer than usual this week while our provider takes care of some essential background upkeep at this time. Thank you for your understanding and happy holidays!
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 12/23/2020. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This update brings a little winter cheer to the streets of San Paro. Play various minigames to unlock all-new titles and Joker Tickets so you can sleigh it at the Joker Store. Full details can be found here on our website.
- A snow-filled Beacon returns!
- 12 Deaths of Xmas minigame enabled
- Christmas Cheer minigame enabled
- Dev Gun Game enabled (with a wintery twist)
- New roles and associated rewards added
- Holiday items return to ARMAS
- Console Xmas events enabled
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 12/16/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well. Also, we know many of you have been asking after the Holiday event this year. We wanted to assure you that we have been listening and that you don't need to worry. We will still be having one! You can expect more details on this year's event to be posted the 21st, so stay tuned.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 12/09/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 12/02/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 11/25/2020. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This update continues our ongoing weapon changes as we dial in on weapon utility and identity. Though we are continuing to sand out some rough edges at the top end, this pass sprinkles in some love to popular but less relevant weapon lines by bringing their stats closer to our established baseline. As always, this is a gradual process. We won't address every gun that needs work in this update. If there are guns you feel still need a pass, please be sure to politely outline which weapons those are and why you feel that way on our forums.
Weapon Balance
Percussion Grenade
The Percussion Grenade has received the following changes:
- Stamina damage has been reduced from 350 to 200
- Explosion radius has been reduced slightly from 5.5 meters to 5 meters.
- The radius in which the Percussion grenade deals its maximum damage has been reduced from 3 meters to 2 meters.
Percussion grenades had their radius reduced to encourage accurate throws over spamming them. Users now need to be more precise if they wish to do full damage. The stamina damage was also reduced to prevent combining the explosion with Stabba - PIG in order to achieve a near instant stun of the enemy player.
Stabba - PIG
The Stabba - PIG has received the following change:
- Stamina damage has been increased from 675 to 750.
Due to percussion grenades having their stamina damage reduced, the stamina damage of Stabba - PIG has been increased once again.
R-2 ‘Harbinger’
The R-2 ‘Harbinger’ has received the following changes:
- It will no longer drastically decrease your accuracy when switching to it.
- The delay before bloom begins to recover has been reduced slightly going from 0.34 to 0.32 seconds.
- Its Health damage has been increased from 250 to 280.
- It has also had a slight reduction in it’s equip time going from 1.0 seconds to 0.8 seconds.
R-2 ‘Harbinger’ will no longer be very inaccurate when switching to it. The recovery delay has also been decreased slightly, allowing for a lower time to kill at max range. The damage was also buffed, which increases overall efficiency and makes missing shots less punishing. Finally, the equip time was also reduced, increasing the overall versatility.
Colby M-1922 (Tommy Gun)
The Colby M-1922 has received the following change:
- Overall recoil reduced by 50%.
The overall recoil of the Colby M-1922 was decreased, which will make it a more viable pick.
Colby PMG
The Colby PMG has received the following change:
- The PMG had its crouch modifier adjusted slightly going from 1.0 to 0.9 and making it so it once again gains a bit of accuracy when crouched.
The PMG will now become more accurate when the user is crouching, thereby creating a tradeoff between mobility and accuracy.
The OCA and OCA-SD variants (Whisper not included) have received the following changes:
- The OCA and OCA-SD variants have had their crouch modifier adjusted, going from 0.8 to 0.95. This means that they will no longer gain as much accuracy when crouched.
- The effective range has been adjusted. The dropoff now starts at 17.5 meters rather than 30.
- The dropoff range has also been adjusted, now dealing its minimum damage after 7.5 meters rather than 20 meters. This means these weapons will now deal their minimum damage of 37 damage per shot at 25 meters rather than 50 meters.
Standing in contrast to the PMG, OCA variants are now slightly less accurate when crouching. Combined with their damage drop-off being shortened, so that it now starts dropping off at 17.5 meters, this makes them more appropriate for mobile gunfights.
N-HVR 243 (Scout)
The Scout has received the following changes:
- Its health damage has been reduced slightly down from 600 to 575.
- Its equip time has also been made faster to compensate now sitting at 0.7 seconds rather than 0.8 seconds.
N-HVR 243 had its damage decreased from 600 to 575. This won’t dramatically change the weapon, but will punish the user slightly more for delaying between shots. Hitting the first shot, missing the 2nd, but hitting the 3rd will still result in a kill - but with slightly less room for error. This means accuracy when firing will be paramount. Since damage was reduced slightly, we've given it a faster equip time so you can begin firing that much sooner.
N-HVR 762 (HVR)
The N-HVR 762 has received the following change:
- Its health damage has been reduced slightly down from 800 to 770.
We’ve decreased the damage of N-HVR 762 (HVR) to 770 in order to cut back on the number of 1-shot combinations with secondary weapons.
AR-97 ‘Misery’
The AR-97 ‘Misery’ has received the following changes:
- Its jump modifier has been adjusted slightly so it’s in line with other assault rifles, now sitting at 11 rather than 8.
- The misery had its overall recoil reduced by 40%.
We’ve decreased the overall recoil of the AR-97 ‘Misery’ significantly, but also decreased its jumping accuracy in order to balance out the changes.
Colby RSA
The Colby RSA has received the following changes:
- Its walk modifier has been adjusted from 1.75 to 1.5, meaning that it’ll now lose less accuracy when moving while aiming downsights.
- Its Fire Interval has been made faster. It now sits at 0.88 down from 0.9, making it a 1.76 TTK Revolver.
- Its equip time is now 0.9 seconds down from 1.0 seconds.
Colby RSA is now more accurate when moving while aiming down sights. This should make the gun feel less clunky to use. It is also now capable of shooting faster, and the equip time has been lowered to bring it in line with the ACT 44.
Scoped N-TEC 5
The Scoped N-TEC 5 has received the following changes:
- Its maximum bloom has been reduced significantly down to 1.55 from 2.1.
- Its crouch modifier has been changed from 0.9 to 0.8 making it more accurate while crouched.
- Lastly, the Scoped N-TEC had its Effective Range increased by 5 meters, now sitting at 55 meters rather than 50.
We’ve increased the viability of the Scoped variety of the N-TEC by increasing the accuracy of its full-automatic spray. We’ve also slightly increased its effective range and made it more accurate while crouched to give it a distinct feel from its non-scoped brethren.
We also wanted to call attention to a small addition to the text regarding name changes on ARMAS. We now clarify that the name change option is not designed for capitalization changes. If you would like to make such a change, you will need to purchase 2 separate name changes and completely log out of the game in between each name change.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 11/18/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 11/11/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 11/04/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This patch puts away Halloween events and decorations until next year. Holiday minigames are turned off and districts return to normal. This is also your two week notice for Halloween ARMAS items! Grab your creepy clothing now before they disappear on 11/18.
- Halloween event removed from live
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 10/28/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Community costumes have now been added to the Joker Store. Get into the spirit this spooky season and pick them up for a scarily low 750JT!

A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 10/21/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
They say that fear is the best spice… or is it supposed to be hunger? As cold winds blow through the streets of San Paro, we can’t say no to some pumpkin spice with the Headless Horseman, Pumpkin Hunting, and Trick and Treat events! Not only will these events return, but we are introducing three new weapon skins, new titles, some additional weapon balance changes, and some community costumes into the Joker Store! It’s a spooky big patch this Wednesday, Oct 21st, so you should definitely check out our blog for full details!
General Changes
- Added the Headless Horseman, Pumpkin Hunting, and Trick and Treat events
- Added the Occult and Spaceman weapon skins
- Halloween Mayhem Costume winners to be added Oct 28th
Weapon Changes
- Colby SNR 850
- Health Damage: 300 -> 334
- OBIR and FFA
- Sprint Delay: 0.675 -> 0.4
- Colby CSG-20
- Stamina Damage: 20 -> 11 (231)
- R-2 ‘Harbinger’
- Marksmanship Speed: 139 -> 275
- Recovery Delay: 0.45 -> 0.3
- Firework Launcher
- Health Damage: 600 -> 400
- Epinephrine Injector
- Cooldown: 45 -> 90
- N-TEC-5 and N-TEC-Scope
- Shot Modifier Cap: 2.0 -> 2.1
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 9/30/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
- Fixed a bug which caused some characters see a lower price than expected for some vehicles in the Joker Ticket store
- Fixed a bug which caused some players to experience a Battleye Service Version error
We have our usual server maintenance this week on Wednesday 9/23/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 9/16/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Our PC patch this week covers a number of important changes to the game. First, we are making clothing more accessible by fundamentally reimagining how bundles work and by bringing over 100 clothing items to the Joker Store. Second, we are beginning the process of balancing weapons in APB. Finally, third, we are making changes to Baylan missions based on community feedback. You can read all about these changes in the linked posts above!
With regards to our weapon changes, is important to stress that these are the first step towards establishing a baseline "Meta" that we can build from in the future. Accordingly, this patch may not address weapons that are unused or under powered at the moment. That doesn't mean they are forgotten. We aim to give every weapon some ability to compete, but to do so we will need your informed feedback. Please spend some time playing with the guns before letting us know how these changes work for you!
Clothing Changes
- Bundles now apply discounts based on owned items. You can read all about this change here.
- Over 100 clothing items have been added to Ophelia in the Joker Store.
- Known Issue - Certain clothing items purchased from the Joker Ticket store can be refurbished but are not able to be traded. The items being untradeable is working as intended. The ability to refurbish them is broken and will be fixed in a subsequent patch.
- Known Issue - Attempting to purchase character bound clothing items with a full inventory will fail but will not produce an error message. This will be fixed in a subsequent patch.
Weapon Balance
- We applied a first balance pass to bring weapon types in-line with each other. You can read all about specific changes and their reasoning here.
- Like the OBIR, the FFA was also balanced. Specifics didn't make it in to the above blog post, so we are providing them to you here:
- Bolt timer: false -> true (Nerf)
- Reserve ammo: 240 -> 144 (Nerf)
Mission Balance
- One of the big takeaways from the community was that, while many of you preferred territory control, you also wanted Baylan missions to be shorter. We reduced the average Baylan mission length to about 10 minutes from 15 minutes by adjusting the amount of points required to win if one team is dominating.
- We also reduced the time it takes to do certain objectives in the game. We have reduced these objectives from 30 seconds to between 15 to 20 depending on the objective.
- We have adjusted most missions related to driving cars around. On average, these missions have been reduced from 10 minutes to 7 minutes.
- All VIP missions have been changed to 23 lives for the attacker and 8 lives for the VIP.
- Stages where attackers are defending objectives have had their time limits adjusted so that multiple objectives are taken into account.
- We have made various adjustments to missions that were missed in previous patches.
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 9/9/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have a big patch in the works. It was originally scheduled for this Wednesday, but we need an extra week to vet our additions. In the meantime, be on the lookout for articles about what you can expect from this next patch starting Thursday. There are quite a few changes in this upcoming patch, so be sure to check out each article, which will cover a different aspect of the 9/16 update.
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 9/2/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 8 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have a patch this week on Wednesday 8/26/2020. The patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This patch was previously announced as a maintenance. It is being upgraded to patch version 1272 with some background updates. Details on the downtime window remain the same.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 8/19/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
As we discussed last week, this patch is focused primarily on addressing bugs from the Mission Impossible patch. We corrected a few things that slipped through the first time around. In addition to these bugfixes, we are squeezing in a QoL change which allows players to toggle off death themes if they prefer. This will give players more control over griefing scenarios where /ignore is not enough. Finally, we snuck in a few small improvements to mission timers as well as made it so the Boombox can have 100% uptime for all our players who want to rock out all the time.
- Fixed a bug which caused the client to have larger than normal garbage collection times. This is the issue that is currently being seen on live as periodic hitching.
- Added in a duration for mods that were previously missing.
- Fixed a bug related to Med Spray not working as intended. Regeneration should now start correctly when activated.
- Fixed a bug that made it so Resupply Box would not allow changing of loadouts.
- Added an option in the settings menu which will allow for globally disabling death themes.
- Increased the duration of Boombox from 45s -> 60s
- Made various changes to mission timers.
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 8/12/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 2 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We had a large patch last week. We are still gathering data and feedback on those changes. While we let things settle, we are working on addressing some bugs we discovered with the Mission Impossible patch. Next week we will be addressing some fixes for those bugs.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 8/5/2020. We are posting our notes a little early this week because there are a lot of changes to cover this time around (see overview for more details). The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Our PC patch this week deals primarily with missions. Since Little Orbit took over, there has been a lot of talk about mission balance. We have been carefully listening to everyone's feedback and noting areas of improvement for some time now, but since Missions are the core of APB, these weren't changes we wanted to rush into. Any modifications to these core systems needed a strong understanding of APB gameplay and how everything fits together. As such, that is how we would like to frame this discussion: holistically. We are going to cover each of our goals for missions in a general sense before diving into the specifics in the changelog.
This first mission pass is intended to provide as much improvement as possible to the APB player's experience without fundamentally changing any of the existing missions you know and love. Our efforts here were focused on reducing pain points, like unwieldy timers, odd group sizes for missions, or awkward objectives. We wanted our missions to flow. Additionally, we wanted to introduce as many opportunities for counter-play as we could to emphasize opportunities for skillful and exciting back and forth between players.
Another area we knew we could improve upon is novelty. Many of our hardcore players have done the same set of missions thousands of times. In order to add some variety, we've gone back and found 50 missions that were previously disabled, added them back to the available mission pool, and updated them all to current mission standards. This means that, in addition to improved gameplay flow, there are also now many more missions to experience in any one gameplay session.
Finally, our third area is balance. With so many different missions and objectives, it was important to us that each felt as fair as possible to either side. Many of our timing, point, and grouping changes were in service to this goal.
There are many more changes than we have space to cover here or which can neatly fit into our three main pillars of Mission Flow, Mission Novelty, and Mission Balance. We will include a more detailed list of these changes in the change log below, but we encourage you to try them out for yourselves when the patch goes live. An important part of this process of improving APB is community feedback, so be sure to let us know what you think once you've gotten a chance to play!
Mission Changes
- We've manually adjusted stage timers and point totals to account for various mission factors. Some examples include:
- Number of objectives
- Distance between objectives
- Size of task items (Small, Medium, Large)
- Objective location (Streets, Satellites, Open Areas)
- Final stage timers and point totals for stages that have points have been reworked to focus more on point totals and less on timers.
- Bonus time missions now end early when unopposed to prevent stage time pooling. Bonus time based missions now begin with a larger timer.
- Stage timers have been normalized when swapping between attack and defend stages.
- Missions where the first stage involves three objectives have had their stage timers increased to prevent the defenders from having an immediate advantage.
- Moved all VIP/Escort missions to a minimum group size of 3.
- Re-evaluated the minimum group sizes for every mission in the game.
- 50 previously disabled missions have been added back into the available mission pool and are updated to current mission standards.
Modification Changes
- Turned Mobile Cover into an Orange Character Modification and reduced its HP value slightly, 650 HP -> 600 HP
- High Burn Fuel will now reduce Vehicle HP by 15%, in addition to its current effect.
Consumable Changes
- Reduced the current HP damage of Epinephrine Injector from 50% damage -> 25% damage.
- Med Spray now also doubles your base HP regeneration in addition to its previous effect
- Renamed Resupply Box (Large) -> Resupply Box
- Resupply Box is now a medium size item
- Resupply Box has all the same functionality of the current Resupply Box (Large)
- Added Consumables into Wilde's shop in Social at the following prices:
- Epinephrine Injector - 5 charges for 2,000 APB$
- Med Spray - 5 charges for 2,000 APB$
- Resupply Box - 5 charges for 2,000 APB$
- Satchel Charge - 5 charges for 2,000 APB$
- Boom Box - 10 charges for 2,000 APB$
- Changed how cooldowns work for deployables. The Cooldown starts right away, and the item will now last for a set amount of time unless destroyed:
- Mobile Cover (orange mod)
- Cooldown: 120s
- Duration: 60s
- Resupply Box
- Cooldown: 180s
- Duration: 90s
- Boombox
- Cooldown: 60s
- Duration: 45s
- Changes to remove the use duration on Spotter, Epinephrine Injector, Blowtorch and Med Spray will be coming in a subsequent patch
Weapon Changes
- Reduced Blowtorch healing rate by 46%
- Hard damage dealt: -8.8 -> -5.6
- Reduced Blowtorch ammo capacity from 800 -> 350
- Reduced AAEPD 'Volcano JC' max hard damage from 1227 -> 800
- Reduced ISSR-B hard damage from 72.9 -> 45
- Reduced ISSR-A hard damage from 70.1 -> 51
- Reduced SWARM hard damage from 50.7 -> 40.95
Car Changes
- Modified the HP values for cars in the following way:
- Bishada: 900 -> 1,150 (HBF 977)
- Jericho: 1,100 -> 1,150 (HBF 977)
- Vegas 4x4: 1,350 -> 1,150 (HBF 977)
- Vegas: 1,350 -> 1300 (HBF 1,105)
- Pioneer: 1,600 -> 1,350 (HBF 1,147)
- Espacio: 1,600 -> 1,350 (HBF 1,147)
- Growl: 950 -> 1150 (HBF 977)
- Mikro 900 -> 950 (HBF 807)
- Varzuga variants 900 -> 950 (HBF 807)
- Modified the Cargo Space for the following vehicles:
- Mikro: 4 -> 5
- Vaquero: 4 -> 5
- Rally Varzuga: 4 -> 5
- Han Coywolf: 2 -> 5
A new hotfix is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This hotfix will be happening on Saturday 8/1/2020. It is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 30 minutes. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
It has come to our attention that an update to our 3rd party payment solutions is interfering with players' ability to purchase items from ARMAS successfully through the in-game browser. This hotfix will disable the in-game browser for the time being and direct users to an external webpage instead, where transactions can be completed successfully.
- In-game browser now directs to an external page
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 7/29/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 7/22/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 7/15/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 7/8/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This patch brings the end of our 10th Anniversary celebration and the removal of the Beacon Bash district. We will also be removing several holiday and limited event items from ARMAS on 7/15/2020 (full list shown below). In the meantime, we have a few small changes to the Spotter to try and create some counter-play opportunities for those being spotted. Finally, we are streamlining our Battleye ban procedure. You can read more about this change here.
- Beacon Bash district has been removed
- 10th Anniversary Log-In reward has been removed
- Spotter Changes:
- Active Spotted Time: 15s > 8s
- Cooldown for Mod: 45s -> 90s
- Player can now see when they have been tagged.
- Valentine's Day Items (To be removed from ARMAS on 7/15/2020)
- Leather and Lace Bundle
- Renaissance Man Bundle
- Christmas Items (To be removed from ARMAS on 7/15/2020)
- Ugly Holiday Sweater Bundle
- Fairy Wings
- Soldier Hat
- Halloween Items (To be removed from ARMAS on 7/15/2020)
- Occult Font
- Demoness Clothing
- Pentagram Clothing Bundle
- Goat Stockings
- 4th of July Items (To be removed from ARMAS on 7/15/2020)
- Patriot Jacket
- Eagle Mask
- Uncle Sam Stovepipe Hat
- STAR LCR 'Old Glory' (To be removed from ARMAS on 7/15/2020)
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 7/1/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 6/24/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
You've already read about our 10th anniversary celebration. Now we want to make the last two very big announcements that will coincide with that event. To start, we are fundamentally changing our monetization model by removing JMBs and allowing you to rent and obtain Legendaries with in-game Joker Tickets. Alongside these changes, we are going to start the public Open Beta for the new engine on Saturday, June 6/27. You won't want to miss this, so be sure to catch full details on our website!
- Updated the new Joker Store contact, Anne Partridge.
- Added the new Legendary Rental system. See website for full details.
- Updated localization to make JT store purchase options more apparent
- Removed JMBs from ARMAS
- Added Joker Ticket bundles to ARMAS
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 6/17/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have a small patch this week as we remain focused on our efforts to bring the engine upgrade to open beta. You can read Matt's latest update here.
- Fixed the missing contact rewards list
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 6/10/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This latest patch marks the beginning of some exciting Joker Store renovations aimed at creating a smoother, new-player friendly experience. You can read full details on those changes here, but a few of the advantages include better Joker Store UI, better inventory management, and improved access to weapon trials.
- Changed anti-cheat from EAC to Battleye
- Renovations on the Joker Store begin!
- Updated Joker Store UI
- Character Gun Trials added
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 6/3/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 5/27/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 5/20/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 5/13/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We've been looking into ways to bring you guys new content while we remain full-steam ahead on the Engine Upgrade, so we took a moment to design some new Gun Games for you all to enjoy. We will be finding opportunities to run these for you in the future, so keep your eyes on the forums for details!
- Adds some new Gun Game variants to the client
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 5/6/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 4/29/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 2 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
In addition to our regular maintenance, the Easter Classics Bundle will be leaving the store on 4/29/2020. This is your last chance to grab it if you haven't already, so hop on over before it's gone.
- Removes the Easter Classics Bundle from ARMAS
We have some server maintenance this week on Wednesday 4/22/2020. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 2 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
In addition, we have added 420 symbols to ARMAS right now!
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 4/15/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
In addition to removing the 2020 Easter event, our patch this week will include some important server maintenance. Our downtime will be a little bit longer than usual as a result. We also wanted to give you advanced notice that our Easter Classics Bundle will be leaving the store on 4/29/2020. Hop to it before it's gone!
- Removes the 2020 Easter event from the client.
We have a quick hotfix going live onto the servers for PC. This hotfix will be happening on Friday 4/10/2020. The fix is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours.
We have an issue in Fight Club where Heat 5 icons are appearing where they shouldn't. We are moving to take care of this as quickly as possible to restore normal gameplay.
- Fixed a bug that caused Heat 5 icons to appear on everyone in Fight Club districts
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 4/8/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
We have a smaller patch this week as we continue to focus on the beta test. We are cleaning up some localization files for some more accurate in-game text.
- Localization files updated
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 4/1/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This is a big patch, and there are many things to tease out of it, from our Easter event to adding a guaranteed 100 Joker Tickets to every Joker Mystery Box. You can read about most of our upcoming changes on our blog, but we wanted to take a moment and dive into the details on two changes in particular.
First, we wanted the ensure that there were no feel bad moments with our Joker Ticket drops, so we made it impossible to get 0 JT from doing opposed missions. Please note that you will still get your other rewards from doing missions, but that currently the reward UI will only show JT at this time. This is a known bug, and we are already working on a fix.
Second, we have disabled the Radar Tower Car Mod. When it was originally brought to our attention that this mod was not working correctly, we did an extensive deep dive on what was wrong with the mod and how it functioned. After doing our initial investigation, we decided that the mod, while broken at times, was not exploitable. However, in recent weeks it has come to our attention that there is, in fact, a way to exploit this mod, so we are going to be disabling it for the time being. The choice to disable this mod is not one we make lightly, but we feel it is the best choice at this time. Fixing the mod now would take crucial engineer time away from the 2.1 Engine Upgrade and delay critical projects like our upcoming Beta test. Disabling the mod was the best way we could preserve your play experience while keeping these projects on track. We will revisit this mod in the future to get it working correctly again as soon as we are able.
- Added the 2020 Easter Event
- Added the following items to the Joker Store located in Social:
- OBIR "Vladivostok" PR3
- JG-1140 JT3
- JG- 1140 "Knock-Knock" PR3
- NFAS-12 Dvah JT3
- NFAS-12 "The Janitor" PR3
- Joker C9S EX-III JT2 PR1
- Joker RFP-9 "Fang" PR1
- N-FA 9 "Quickdraw" PR1
- Colby Classic
- N-HVR 243-SD PR1
- FR0G 'Thumbnail' PR2
- FR0G 'Kokoe' PR1
- ACT 44 "Pillager" PR1
- Mountie 'NorthWest'
- Mountie 'Nunavut' PR1
- Increased the drop rate of JT from missions to 100%
- Added a guaranteed 100 JT to all JMB
- Disabled the Radar Tower Car Mod
- Removed the RIOT tutorial
- Fixed a bug that kept players from being able to report characters with Cyrillic in their name
- Changed the name and price of the Shredder SB PR1; it is now the Shredder SB JT1
We have an update going to the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 3/25/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Some of the back-end changes from our last patch have introduced extra latency for some of our players. We are rolling these changes back to the 1221 version patch so you guys can have a better play experience while we investigate potential solutions.
- Roll back to version 1221
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 3/18/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
Our update will be small this week in light of the corona virus as our team is transitioning to working remotely. CEO Matt Scott posts about these developments here. As we get everything set up, we encourage everyone to stay safe, be smart, and remember to wash your hands.
- Assorted back-end updates
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 3/11/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This patch adds JMB 23 and the new legendary slug shotgun, the RHD LS1 "Corsair," into the game.
- JMB 23 added to ARMAS
- RHD LS1 "Corsair" added to the game
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 3/4/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
This week kicks off Joker Madness, where we are greatly increasing both the drop rate and the number of Joker Tickets dropped from opposed missions for the month of March. We are also moving all of the shotgun stats that have been tested into all districts. These stats are what we are comfortable going live with, but they could still be tweaked in the future. You can read more about these changes and the Joker Madness event here.
- Moving shotgun stats from Prototype districts into all Districts.
- Doubling drop chance of Joker Tickets from opposed missions for the Joker Madness event.
- Tripling the amount of Joker Tickets dropped from opposed missions for the Joker Madness event.
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 2/26/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 4 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
- Fixes for various issues related to Regions
- Updated Region information to display correctly
- Updated the tooltip for districts in the advanced menu to not append extra numbers at the end
- Fixed an issue related to joining a district as a group
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 2/19/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
- Removes the 2019 Valentine's event from the client.
- Removes the following items from ARMAS on 2/19/20:
- Halloween Classics Bundle
- Holiday 2019 All Items Bundle
- Valentines Weapons Bundle and Individual Weapons
- STAR LCR 'Old Glory'
- Added in region tags on districts in the Advanced District Select to help players identify where a district is located.
- Changed functionality on the district select buttons to connect you to the district instance which has the lowest ping.
- Updated the Asylum Prototype District shotgun stats. For a breakdown of the specific stat changes, please head here.
- This patch includes updates to the Mayan Preset clothing.
- This patch will also remove the following items from ARMAS on 2/19/20:
- Halloween Classics Bundle
- Holiday 2019 All Items Bundle
- Valentines Weapons Bundle and Individual Weapons
- STAR LCR 'Old Glory'
- Updates the Mayan Preset Clothing
- This patch adds the 2020 Valentine's event to the client. Take care of that cherub and earn rewards in the process! Full details on this event can be found here.
- This patch consolidates shotgun feedback from our rounds of A/B testing. You can read a write-up on those details here.
- Added the 2020 Valentine's event
- Added Leather and Lace Bundle to ARMAS
- Added Renaissance Man Bundle to ARMAS
- Added Skyline Bundle to ARMAS
- Tweaked shotgun stats across the board
A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch will be happening on Wednesday 1/29/2020. The Patch is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last up to 6 hours. Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.
- We're ready to jump back in with a new round of Shotgun testing! This time the prototype test districts will be using the Asylum map to get the most from your playtesting. We are also moving the changes to the NTEC and its variants into the normal districts. Please take a look at our write-up of these tests so you can get the best background info for your own tests.
- The jump modifier will be taking effect across all NTEC weapons and their variants. The Modifier Cap was 2.8 in the Prototype districts but will be going live at 2.4. We are currently not modifying the NTEC7-Compact or the NTEC-Scope at this time.
- Fixed decals to be correctly granted when obtaining the Triceratops, Demoness, Tarot: Death, Tarot: Priestess, and Tarot: Tower preset clothing bundles.
- Removed the need for a specific rank for Prototype Districts.
- You can no longer get Heat 5 while in missions.
- Removed explosives from being able to be resupplied from large ammunition boxes.
- You can now access your inventory from large ammunition boxes.
- PSN -1 error is now fixed.
This patch removes the 2019 Holiday Cheer Christmas event from the client.
A Christmas Bundle which includes rewards from the Holiday Cheer event will be available on ARMAS starting 1-15-20 at 8PM UTC. This Christmas Bundle will contain everything from the Holiday Cheer event except the unique titles, and it will also include elf ears to help complete your Sugar Plum Fairy look! The Halloween Bundle will be removed from ARMAS at this time as well.
- Removed all the 2019 Holiday Cheer Christmas activities and UI from the client.
- Fixed role rewards that were not delivered correctly. If you achieved an undelivered Nutcracker roll reward, it will be delivered on your first log in after the patch.
Get ready for #SnowParo, at least a small part of San Paro. "Holiday Cheer" is a new drug that has been surfacing around Beacon and causing everyone in the area to see snow falling. Fight to become the Nutcracker Prince or survive being dosed. For a breakdown of all the rewards available during Halloween head to this forum post:
The events that will be running are:
Come play in Beacon for the new "Holiday Cheer" event, complete with its own "Snowman". Returning this year is the Snowball Fight minigame as well. There are plenty of new rewards that you will be hunting. There will also be some fresh new ARMAS items for sale.
- Fixed the OCA "Whisper" from turning invisible when equipped with the Demoness Weapon Skin
- Fixed an issue related to destroying the vandalism target of an opposed team. The mission will now, correctly, progress to the next stage.
We have fixed the bug which previously kept us from being able to release the Blood Moon Preset bundle. This bundle will be available on ARMAS starting on December 11th.
Fixed a bug where the OCA-SD and Whisper variants didn't have the correct stats after our OCA balance changes.
Reverted the Showstopper's stats to previously live stats after the incorrect stats got pushed to live districts.
Fixed a bug related to the unreleased Blood Moon Presets.
- Adding in the new Blood Moon preset clothing line to ARMAS. This bundle consists of 3 different Blood Moon designs; Dragon, Unicorn and Wolf. After feedback from the community, preset clothing line bundles will also include the Decals used to design them.
- Adding in a first-round pass of Shotgun stats changes and a change to the NTEC5 and its variants to Prototype District A. There will be no Prototype District B for this initial period of feedback.

NTEC5 and its variants:
- Increase the Shot Modifier Cap to 2.8
- Increase the Jump Modifier from 12 to 30
Shotgun Changes:
- For a deeper breakdown of the changes that are being made to shotguns, please follow the link below:
Fixing a minor bug
- Fixed a visual bug related to the Masquerade Mask
Removing the Halloween 2019 content
- Removed all the Halloween 2019 activities and UI.
Fixing events related to Halloween 2019.
- The Breast Cancer Awareness Webbed Bra is no longer tradable
- The "Demon" and "Demoness" titles are no longer bright red in color
- The "Lawful Neutral", "True Neutral", and "Chaotic Neutral" titles are no longer bright green in color
Fixing events related to Halloween 2019.
- Shooting an event pumpkin in the Headless Horseman districts will now correctly count toward your total event pumpkins.
- The Orange Pumpkins will now correctly spawn in Asylum.
- Corrected the names of the following clothing items:
- Occult Crop Top is now called Pentagram Crop Top
- Occult Minidress is now called Pentagram Minidress
- Occult Pentagram Panties is now called Pentagram Panties
Get ready for Halloween in San Paro with new and exciting events happening all season! This year, we're scaring up some new events with new prizes while also letting new and existing players complete events from previous Halloweens. For a breakdown of all the rewards available during Halloween head to this forum post:
The events that will be running are:
- Headless Horseman Event
- Pumpkin Hunting (Purple, Orange, and now Red)
- Trick and Treat
There is a new mini Pumpkin hunting event for players to experience. Be on the lookout for 50 red pumpkins in both Waterfront and Financial. Shooting these red pumpkins will earn you new rewards!
There are plenty of new rewards that you'll be chasing. There will also be a number of new ARMAS items for sale
Headless Horseman Event
This event is run in special Halloween districts.
The rules for the event are simple:
- Collect pumpkins in Halloween versions of Financial and Waterfront to become the Headless Horseman and start the event.
- The Horseman must kill other players to convert them to their Pumpkin Army.
- Pumpkin Head Soldiers must also kill other players to recruit them into the Pumpkin Army.
- Survivors must avoid being killed until the time runs out.
Pumpkin Hunting
Each set of pumpkins has its own set of rewards for how many you find. Good hunting!
- Purple pumpkins are hidden throughout Financial and Waterfront. Finding a number of them will grant you a prize.
- Orange pumpkins are found in Asylum and destroying those will reward you with a number of different titles.
- Red pumpkins have been carefully hidden throughout Financial and Waterfront. There are quite a few less red pumpkins than purple so finding them is going to take keen eyes.
Trick and Treat
Finally, there are two contacts, Trick and Treat which are located in Waterfront. These special Halloween contacts are only around for a short time but can be leveled normally like other contacts. They have rewards that you can only get during this Halloween event from leveling them up!
- Many of the weapon changes that we have been making over the past few months are being moved from the Prototype Districts into all districts. For more information about the exact stats please head here:
- Additional changes to the Prototype districts.
- Adding in the new Dark Prophecy clothing line to Armas based on the the tarot cards Death, Priestess and Tower. Each set will include 5 preset pieces. Check back each week for the next set in the Dark Prophecy line!
- Modified the weapon harness item type to reduce visual clipping. This is still a work in progress and will continue to improve.
NTEC-5 and its variants:
Test A:
No change
Test B:
We are changing the NTEC-5 in the following way:
Previous Prototype District B Values
- Increase the Jump Modifier from 12 to 30
- Increase the Fire Interval from 0.14 sec to 0.17 sec
- Decrease the Recovery per second from 5.00 to 3.00
- Reduce Effective Range by 5m
New Prototype District B Values
- Health damage: 185 -> 180
- Fire Interval: .14 -> .15
- Increase the Jump Modifier from 12 to 30
- Decrease the Recovery per second from 5.00 to 3.00
- Reduce Effective Range by 5m
- Additional changes to the Prototype districts and new clothing items on ARMAS.
- Added in a system to reward Joker Tickets from completed, opposed missions in both the normal Mission Districts and the Prototype Districts. More information about that can be found at the following link:
- Added support for Razer Gold and the promotional free reward
Make any purchase with Razer Gold and get the Triceratops clothing bundle as a reward!
We've added Weapon Harnesses to ARMAS! You can purchase them separately or as a bundle for both character and account lifetime.
NTEC-5 and its variants:
Both Test A and B:
- Decreased Accuracy while Jumping
- Reduced the maximum effective range by 5m
Test A:
We are making each bullet more valuable by reducing the Ammo and Magazine Capacity size on the N-TEC 5 weapons.
Test B:
We are changing the N-TEC 5 weapons to be less accurate for longer periods of time by increasing the time it takes your accuracy to normalize after firing a shot.
We are also slightly reducing the fire rate.
Final Adjustments to LY Grenades
Explosion Radius 700 -> 550 (+50 from the previous Test A stats)
Health Damage 575 -> 515 (+15 from the previous Test A stats)
Stamina Damage 365 -> 295 (Same as Test A)
Hard Damage 435 -> 376 (Same as Test A)
Adjustments to Weapon Tests
- Moved RFP Test B changes into both Test districts.
- Moved OCA Test B changes into both Test districts.
- Both Districts: Lowered Hard damage and Stamina damage
- Test A: Focuses on Accuracy with only minor decrease in health damage but smaller explosion radius and smaller max damage radius.
- Test B: Focuses on zone control by lowering the health damage but also adding in more counter-play by increasing the fuse timer by 1 second.
- In both Test districts these weapons now prevent you from swapping while the re-fire or burst fire timers are active.
Adjustments to Weapon Tests and Minor Bug Fix
- Fixed Mobile shield cover to allow deploying
- Made some adjustments to the RFP in the Prototype districts:
- RFP-9:
- Test A:
- Restored to live values then added the following changes
- Reduced Effective Range
- Reduced Min Damage Range
- Test B:
- Lowered Heath damage
- Increased Magazine Capacity
- Increased Ammo Pool Capacity
- Decreased Accuracy
- Reduced Min Damage Range
- Reduced Marksmanship Modifier
- RFP-9 SD:
- Test A:
- Restored to live values then added the following changes
- Reduced Min Damage Range
- Test B:
- Lowered Heath damage
- Increased Magazine Capacity
- Increased Ammo Pool Capacity
- Decreased Accuracy
- Reduced Marksmanship Modifier
Swapping out RIOT districts for Weapon Prototype Districts and Deployable changes.
Added in Prototype District A and B. For more information on these districts, please head here.
Limited the number of explosives you can get from Medium / Large deployable field suppliers:
- Medium deployable field supplier no longer resupply explosives.
- Up to 4 rounds of explosives from the large deployable field supplier.
Adjusted the duration of certain deployables to match thier lifespan.
NOTE: While these deployables are spawned, other deployables cannot be spawned.
- Large deployables (Large Field Supplier / Mobile Cover): Duration 2 minutes, Cooldown 2 minutes, Cancelable
- Medium deployables (Medium Field Supplier / BoomBox): Duration 2 minutes, Cooldown 45 seconds, Cancelable
- Satchel Charge: Duration 15 seconds, Cooldown 45 seconds, Uncancelable
- Gift boxes, Flag: Not linked
Fixed the JT price for the N-HVR 243.
Joker Store updates and R.I.O.T. level increase.
- New weapon skin added - Koi
- Added 5 more levels to the R.I.O.T. contact
- Joker Ticker Store has been updated so all Weapons are now permanent purchases and have their costs updated. For details visit the following post:
Bug fixes and Joker Store updates.
- New launcher splash art for Easy Anti-Cheat
- Fixes for various weapon skins
- The following items now have permanent unlocks in the Joker Store
- SBSR 'Coroner' JT1 now sells for 6000 JT and 60000 APB$
- SBSR 'Coroner' JT3 now sells for 10000 JT and 100000 APB$
- Colby PMG-SD 28 'Hush' JT1 now sells for 6000 JT and 60000 APB$
- Colby PMG-SD 28 'Hush' JT2 now sells for 8000 JT and 80000 APB$
- High Heal Ankle Boots now sells for 500 JT and 4500 APB$
Minor bug fixes and Joker Store updates.
- Reduced the experience required for the RIOT contact for levels five and up
- The dragon weapon skin now applies correctly for the N-TEC 5
- The following guns now have permanent unlocks in the Joker Store
- S1-TIC 'Rabid' JT1 now sells for 6000 JT and 60000 APB$
- S1-TIC 'Rabid' JT3 now sells for 10000 JT and 100000 APB$
- S-247 'Oblivion' JT1 now sells for 6000 JT and 60000 APB$
- S-247 'Oblivion' JT3 now sells for 10000 JT and 100000 APB$
Focused on additional fixes to RIOT with emphasis on improving the overall experience based on player feedback
- Added in 5 more contact levels for RIOT BETA with the new Dragon weapon skin as the reward for getting to Rank 10
- Players now appear on the radar of the final zone of RIOT
- Players can no longer see opposing player names through a RIOT gas emitter or RIOT van
- Updated max survival revive cost in RIOT to $5,000 instead of $4,000
- RIOT now always plays in peak daylight hours
- Arming a gas emitter in RIOT will not get interrupted when starting to arm during the last remaining seconds of having the arming code
- Fixed a bug related to arming a bomb during missions
- Minimum amount of players for RIOT is now 8 players
- RIOT now require 16 participating player in order to maintain pre-made teams
- Gas Masks equipped on respawn in RIOT now last 45 seconds (instead of 30) and have no cooldown when they expire (only on respawn)
- Arrests now correctly count as a single death in RIOT
- Improved HUD Messages for RIOT
- Spectating players are now reminded that their teammates can revive them in RIOT
- The message for when you are spectating in RIOT should now always be shown
- Players will now see their bribe amount, even if they are not leading
- Now correctly updates the winning bribe amount when a team that was leading the bribe is eliminated
- Added the title "Firecracker"
- The following guns now have permanent unlocks in the Joker Store
- Colby .45 AP now sells for 6,000 JT and 60,000 APB$
- AR-97 'Misery' JT1 now sells for 6,000 JT and 60,000 APB$
- AR-97 'Misery' JT3 now sells for 10,000 JT and 100,000 APB$
- Dragon Weapon Skin doesn't apply correctly to the N-TEC 5 weapon model
- Yakuza Weapon Skin doesn't apply correctly to theISSR-a PR3 'Artemis' weapon model
With this release, we are addressing player feedback within the new RIOT mode in addition to tackling ongoing stability optimization efforts.
- New Glory's update - "Controlled Aim" now gives the correct amount of accuracy
- RIOT - Players now keep their unlocked weapons when they respawn in RIOT
- RIOT - Primary weapon unlock now costs $2,000
- RIOT - Secondary weapon unlock now costs $1,000
- RIOT - Added number of kills to the mini-game HUD
- RIOT - Amount gained for arming a gas emitter now happens immediately
- No known issues
This update addresses bug fixes and stability issues. It also rolls back the Global Weapon Drops.
- Weapons only drop from players hands while playing RIOT
- Weapons in RIOT respawn more frequently
- Updated respawning mechanics in RIOT, this will be an ongoing process
- Updated the icon for the Hightop boots to the correct icon
- Fixed some RIOT van spawns and vehicle wreaks that were not placed correctly
- Moved some crates in Riot to keep players from being able to get stuck
- Picking up a temporary weapon from a giftbox will cause you to drop your currently equipped weapon on the ground
With this release we are pushing live our new Riot Mode BETA. This new mode will challenge the most skilled players as they race to make it to the end of a collapsing map and to be last man standing.
For additional information about getting started, we recommend taking a look at our recent introduction to the new mode. LINK:
Riot Mode
- Riot is now accessible to everyone.
- The new Yakuza Skin is available as a reward with the new mode.
- The In-game Joker Store has had its inventory updated. More changes forthcoming.
Easy Anti-Cheat
- Easy Anti-Cheat has been implemented to improve cheat detection.
NEW Joker Mystery Box
- JMB 22 featuring the NTEC-7 Compact 'New Glory' is now available.
- Improvements have been made to Trade Locking when moving computers.
- General Bug fixes and improvements to stability.
- Rewards for those who participated in our Alternative Reality Game have been implemented.
- Optimized and refined messaging within the UI.
- Automatic Respawn has been added when enough cash has been collected.
- Switching districts during Spectate Mode is now possible.
- Initial implementation of Scoreboards has been added.
- Starting weapon has been revised.
- Driving has been removed, for now, within RIOT.
- Audio issues could be present resulting in minimal SFX.
- Particle effects can be displayed before they are supposed to.
- Boundary issues around Dangers Zones may be noticeable on uneven surfaces.
- Unreachable weapon spawns may be seen sporadically.
- Slight delays may be seen when the mode resets.